Learn To Read Russian From Кофта фата (Fop's Blouse)

Written byAlina Sinitcyna

Vladimir Mayakovsky was an interesting and memorable character in the Russian literature. She was loved by many people that followed his literary work and was hated by a few at the same time because of his active participation in the Russian Revolution. Along with other Russian poets, he founded the Russian Futurism.

His poems were characterized for having the most exquisite lyrical style with a strong charge of sensibility that attracted many people. The most important poems of Mayakovski are “Left March” (Левый марш) and “Ode to Revolution” (Ода революции).

Here is “Fop’s Blouse” (Кофта фата), a poem dedicated to a special women in his life.

Poems in Russian

Кофта фата

Я сошью себе черные штаны из бархата голоса моего. Желтую кофту из трех аршин заката. По Невскому мира, по лощеным полосам его, профланирую шагом Дон-Жуана и фата.

Пусть земля кричит, в покое обабившись: "Ты зеленые весны идешь насиловать!" Я брошу солнцу, нагло осклабившись: "На глади асфальта мне хорошо ¿ Грассировать!"

Не потому ли, что небо голубо, А земля мне любовница в Этой праздничной чистке, Я дарю вам стихи, веселые, Как би-ба-бои острые и нужные, Как зубочистки!

Женщины, любящие мое мясо, и эта Девушка, смотрящая на меня, как на брата, Закидайте улыбками меня, поэта,- Я цветами нашью их мне на кофту фата!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Fop's Blouse

I will sew myself black trousers from the velvet of my voice. And from three yards of sunset, a yellow blouse. Along the world's main street, along its glossy lanes, I will saunter with the gait of Don Juan, a fop.

Let the earth, overripe and placid, cry out: 'You would rape the green Spring!' I'll yell at the sun with an impudent grin 'I prefer to prance on smooth asphalt!'

Isn't it because the sky is blue, And the earth is my lover in this spring cleaning, that I give you verses fun as bi-bah-bohand sharp and useful as toothpicks!

Women who love my flesh, and you, girl, looking at me like a brother, toss your smiles to me, the poet - and I'll sew them like flowers onto my fop's blouse!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

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Author: Alina Sinitcyna
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