Learn Russian From Преступление и наказание (Dostoyevsky)

Written byAlina Sinitcyna

Dostoyevsky is a famous Russian Novelist recognized around the world for his novels like 'The Brothers Karamazov' and the most eulogized novel 'Crime and Punishment'. The majority of his novels talks about important aspects of the human psychology. That is why that he is also considered as a precursor of the 20th century existentialism by critics in the literary world.

He was born in the big city of Moscow in 1821. His education was quite excellent because he was instructed at the best private schools in the Moscow. He attended the Engineers Military Academy in 1839. Two years later, he got a degree as a Draftsman Way Ministry. However, he was really apathetic about military engineering and then he discovered his passion for literature.

Here is a fragment of his most applauded novel called 'Crime and Punishment':

Poems in Russian

Преступление и наказание Преступление и наказание Часть Вторая 1

В первое мгновение он думал, что с ума сойдет. Страшный холод обхватил его; но холод был и от лихорадки, которая уже давно началась с ним во сне. Теперь же вдруг ударил такой озноб, что чуть зубы не выпрыгнули и все в нем так и заходило. Он отворил дверь и начал слушать: в доме все совершенно спало. С изумлением оглядывал он себя и все кругом в комнате и не понимал: как это он мог вчера, войдя, не запереть дверей на крючок и броситься на диван, не только не раздевшись, но даже в шляпе: она скатилась и тут же лежала на полу, близ подушки

Но не было ничего, кажется, никаких следов; только на том месте, где панталоны внизу осеклись и висели бахромой, на бахроме этой оставались густые следы запекшейся крови. Он схватил складной большой ножик и обрезал бахрому. Больше, кажется, ничего не было. Вдруг он вспомнил, что кошелек и вещи, которые он вытащил у старухи из сундука, все до сих пор у него по карманам лежат!

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment

Part 2 Chapter 1

For the first moment he thought he was going mad. A dreadful chill came over him; but the chill was from the fever that had begun long before in his sleep. Now he was suddenly taken with violent shivering, so that his teeth chattered and all his limbs were shaking. He opened the door and began listening--everything in the house was asleep. With amazement he gazed at himself and everything in the room around him, wondering how he could have come in the night before without fastening the door, and have flung himself on the sofa without undressing, without even taking his hat off. It had fallen off and was lying on the floor near his pillow. But there seemed to be nothing, no trace, except in one place, where some thick drops of congealed blood were clinging to the frayed edge of his trousers. He picked up a big claspknife and cut off the frayed threads. There seemed to be nothing more.

Suddenly he remembered that the purse and the things he pulled out an old woman out of the trunk, all still in his pockets are!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Author: Alina Sinitcyna
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