Russian Grammar: Active Voice

Written byAlina Sinitcyna

Definition: The active voice is that by which the action indicated by the main verb of a sentence is performed by the subject of the same. In Russian, just like in English, most sentences are constructed in active voice.

Active Voice in Russian

The structure is the same as in English: Subject + Verb + Complement


  • My house is big.
  • мой дом большой.
  • Moi dom bol’shoi.
  • Eva has two daughters.
  • Ева имеет двух дочерей.
  • Yeva imyeet dvuk docheryei.
  • Sasha went to a party.
  • Саша пошел в партию.
  • Sasha poshel vpartiyu.
  • Iosif loves music.
  • Иосиф любит музыку.
  • Iosif lyubit muz’iku.

Passive Voice in Russian

In Russian, for write a Passive sentence you can add the suffix ся(ца) after the verb if the verb finished in consonant but if the verb finished in vowel you must add the suffix сь; but these suffixes not ever are used because the verb must be a reflexive verbs. Subject + Verb + (ся or сь) + Complement


  • Salsa is danced by my

  • Сальса танцуется моим.

  • Salʹsa tantsuet·sya moim.

  • The book is written by you.

  • Книга написана вами.

  • Kniga napisana vami.

  • The milk is taken by the cat.

  • молоко принимается кот.

  • moloko prinimaet·syakot.

  • The cheese was stolen by the mouse.

  • Сыр был украден мыши.

  • Syr byl ukraden myshi.

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Author: Alina Sinitcyna
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