Russian Verb: давать (To Give)

Written byAlina Sinitcyna

The rules of Russian grammar states that the irregular verb давать “to give” loses the suffix –ва- in all forms when it is conjugated in present tense. In the case of perfective and imperfective aspects, it must be added the suffix –ва- when it is conjugated in past tense. The following table shows other grammatical exceptions in the Russian language as well as the proper conjugation of Russian verbs.

Russian Verb Conjugator

ImperfectiveAspectPerfective Aspect
Present Tense  
1st Person SingularДаю 
2nd Person SingularДаёшь 
3rd Person SingularДаёт 
1st Person PluralДаём 
2nd Person PluralДаёте 
3rd Person PluralДают 
**Past Tense **  
**Future Tense **  
1st Person SingularБуду ДаватьДам
2nd Person SingularБудешь ДаватьДашь
3rd Person SingularБудет ДаватьДаст
1st Person PluralБудем ДаватьДадим
2nd Person PluralБудете ДаватьДадите
3rd Person PluralБудут ДаватьДадут
**Command Form **  
Subjunctive Mood  
Masculineдава́л быда́л бы
Feminineдава́ла быдала́ бы
Neuterдава́ло быдало́ бы
Pluralдава́ли быа́ли бы
Present Active Participleдаю́щий 
Past Active Participleдава́вшийда́вший
Present Passive Participleдава́емый 
Past Passive Participle да́нный
Verbal Adverb (Gerund)дава́я́да́в

Sample sentences:

  • She gave her students a new opportunity to study for the Russian examination.

  • Она дала своим ученикам новую возможность учиться русскому экспертизы.

  • Anna is tired to give recommendation to her partners.

  • Анна устала, чтобы дать рекомендации для ее партнеров.

  • They have given many good ideas to organize this event.

  • Они дали много хороших идей, чтобы организовать это мероприятие.

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Author: Alina Sinitcyna
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