Russian Verb: видеть (To See)

Written byAlina Sinitcyna

The verb видеть (to see) is used mainly in the infinitive or past tense and tends to have a frequentative sense. On the other hand, it is a verb of sense and takes the accusative case, like in English, always taking direct objects.  The following table shows the proper way to conjugate видеть (to see) in its main tenses.

Russian Verb Conjugator

ImperfectiveAspectPerfective Aspect
Present Tense  
1st Person SingularВижу 
2nd Person SingularВидишь 
3rd Person SingularВидит 
1st Person PluralВидим 
2nd Person PluralВидите 
3rd Person PluralВидят 
**Past Tense **  
**Future Tense **  
1st Person SingularБуду ВидетьУвижу
2nd Person SingularБудешь ВидетьУвидишь
3rd Person SingularБудет ВидетьУвидит
1st Person PluralБудем ВидетьУвидим
2nd Person PluralБудете ВидетьУвидите
3rd Person PluralБудут ВидетьУвидят
**Command Form **  
Subjunctive Mood  
Masculineви́дел быуви́дел бы
Feminineви́дела быуви́дела бы
Neuterви́дело быуви́дело бы
Pluralви́дели быуви́дели бы
Present Active Participleви́дящий 
Past Active Participleви́девшийуви́девший
Present Passive Participleви́димый 
Verbal Adverb (Gerund)ви́дяуви́дев, уви́девши

Sample sentences:

  • My grandmother likes to see landscapes.
  • Моя бабушка любит видеть ландшафты.
  • They saw an accident the last month.
  • они **видели **аварию в прошлом месяце.
  • Sasha and Anna have seen the new library.
  • Саша и Анна видели новую библиотеку.
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Author: Alina Sinitcyna
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