It's important to know clothing vocabulary in Russian language in order to increase our Russian lexicon; most words come from different vocabulary languages so they have a similar pronunciation to English, French and other languages. The following list shows the correct way to white and pronounce of each word.
The writing of each Russian word is quite difficult but if one practice it will became very easy.
This list is the most complete; it will help to understand as easy as one can imagine the Russian language.
English | Russian | Pronunciation |
shirt | рубашка | rubashka |
trousers | штаны | shtany |
jacket | жакет | zhaket |
shoes | обувь | obuv' |
skirt | юбка | yubka |
dress | платье | plat'e |
sock | носок | nosok |
sweater | свитер | sviter |
coat | пальто | pal'to |
belt | пояс | poyas |
jeans | джинсы | dzhinsi |
bracelet | браслет | braslet |
handkerchief | носовой платок | nosovoij platok |
suit | костюм | kostyum |
necktie | галстук | galstuk |
glove | перчатка | perchatka |
button | Кнопка | Knopka |
hat | шляпа | shlyapa |
style | стиль | stil' |
design | дизайн | dizaijn |
fashion | Мода | moda |
ring | кольцо | kol'co |
карман | karman | |
wallet | бумажник | bumazhnik |
purse | кошелек | koshelyok |
glasses | очки | ochki |
He forgot his glasses.
Он забыл свои очки.
On zabyl svoi ochki.
She is always in fashion.
Она всегда в моде.
Ona vsegda v mode.
John stained his shirt.
Джон окрашенные рубашка.
Dzhon okrashennye rubashka.
The keys are in this pocket.
Ключи в этом карман.
Klyuchi v etom karman.