Definition: Parts of the speech that can independent express the emotion or a reaction. They are marked by a feature of intonation that is usually shown in writing by an exclamation point.
Note: We must keep in mind that an interjection can form a complete idea or a sentence. The interjections are classified in:
Primary Interjection
These kinds of interjections derived from other words. Some examples are:
- ah! ------------------> a! ---------> ah!
- oh!, ouch! --------->** ой!*** -------> oĭ!*
- akh!, ugh! --------->** ах**!* --------> ah!*
- aha! ---------------->** ага**!* -------> aga!*
Secondary Interjection
These kinds of interjections derived from other words. Some examples are:
- My god! ----------> Ей-б о гу!* -------> Yeĭ-b o gu! *
- Stop! -------------> П о лно!* --------> P o lno razve! *
- oh really! --------> разве!* -----------> razve! *
- to the devil! -----> к чёрту!* --------> k chërtu! *
Idiomatic Interjection
These are some expressions which sometimes work as interjections. Some examples are:
- Come what may! -------> Был а – не был а!* ----> Byl a – ne byl a!*
- What do you know! ----> Вот так-так!* ------------> Vot tak-tak! *
Foreign Interjection
These are special words from foreign languages that have a special meaning. For example:
- Bravo!!! ------------------> Бр а во!!!* -----------> Br a vo!!! *
- Hurrah!!! Hurrah!!! ----> Ур а!!! Ур а!!!* ------> Ur a!!! Ur a!!! *